Maker Faire Luxembourg

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Self eSTEAM Challenge

Edition '24 is launched...

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Your question not answered?

 Then contact us via email on robots[at]makeit[dot]lu and send us your question!


Yes, our competition is open to the public and entrance is free. Food & drinks are available on site.

Yes, you can make a donation using the bank references here :

  • Bank : CCPLLULL 
  • IBAN LU39 1111 7092 3366 0000
Thank you!

Entry to LYRC 24 is free!

This year, we are hosted at the

  • Lycée Technique d’Ettelbruck
  • 71, Avenue Salentiny
  • L-9080 Ettelbruck

Free parking spaces in front of the school and across the street.

Registering a team at LYRC is free of charge. However, you will need to bring your own device(s) to play and program your bot(s).

In general, yes. However, for the VEX challenge, we might need to limit participation to one team per institution/school.

OK, here’s the resume :

  • LYRC is a robotics challenge
  • Main goal is to have fun while doing something cool
  • Main rule : be fair and behave correctly
  • Main objective :
    • Concept : present a cool answer to the question in the rules
    • CTF : get to the flag on the opposing side with your robot
    • VEX : yeah, no TLDR here, just watch the video 😉

Concept Trophy (6-10 years)

Sure, just drop us a note that your kids exceed the age limit to make sure it’s not too much of a difference. Usually, the limit is around 2 years in each direction.

Team sizes depend on the mentor’s capacity to manage 😉 We suggest a maximum of 25 members, so similar to school classes.

Actually, just a good idea which you can develop with your team. In this category, it is clear for us that the mentor plays a significant role and, as such, we encourage you to push your team to understand as much as possible of the topic they will present, but we don’t expect them to be scientists.

The way you want it. You can draw images, make posters, create a slideshow, construct a model,… Sky’s the limit here! Your team should be comfy with the way you present your solution, so make sure to use something they can handle.

We have a large beamer on site, using whatever input you have. We can handle any Apple device using AppleTV, we have HDMI so you can connect

Your team needs to propose a solution/answer to a central question you can find in the regulations (see here). The topic needs to be clearly answered and the solution nicely presented. This is mainly a public relations project & challenge

Yes, it’s possible to book us via the coding help the SCRIPT proposes. Book a “human robot” session and ask for LYRC assistance.

CTF challenge (10-14 years)

Team sizes depend on the mentor’s capacity to manage 😉 We suggest a maximum of 25 members, so similar to school classes.

Any type of robot can join the CTF challenge, it only needs to be programmable via block code. Examples are the Wonder Workshop’s Dash, makeblock’s mBot, VEX Robotics’ IQ system,…

Yes, it’s possible to book us via the coding help the SCRIPT proposes. Book a “human robot” session and ask for LYRC assistance.

VEX challenge (14-18 years)

VEX teams are limited to minimum 2, maximum 6 persons, plus one to two mentors.

VEX Challenge can only be participated in with VEX Robot kits (VEX V5 Competition Starter or Super kit). Contact us to get an offer to purchase one or order from

Kinda…if you really need our assistance, you can book us via simple email request and tell us what you need. However, please be aware that we charge our assistance at 120€/hour.